Siberian Lavender Flowers


  • Siberian Dried Lavender Flowers
  • 100% wild harvested, never cultivated
  • No preservatives, colorants, aromas
  • Produced in Siberia, Russia


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Siberian Dried Lavender Flowers, Flores Lavandulae, 1.76 oz (50 g)

Siberian Dried Lavender Flowers

Music of aromas and names

The herbs of Siberia are an amazing, exciting variety of colors and aromas, a cosmic symphony of ancient, mysterious names…

Since ancient times, people used to gather leaves, stems and flowers in forests and fields. During the whole summer, herbalists and householders tied and dried bouquets of useful plants for the long winter. Magical steam rose over the pots in the dwellings of healers and shamans: tinctures and decoctions were prepared to give strength to men and beauty to women, to heal soldiers’ wounds, to cure wanderers’ fatigue, to relieve children from bad dreams.

And today, centuries later, Siberian herbalists still circle around the Siberian grounds, where the air itself is healing and thick like honey and sun. They peer into the dreamlike colorfulness, looking for familiar plants that are invaluable in treatment, in cosmetology, and in cooking. Armfuls of motley natural riches are sent to the workshops, where they turn into medicines, seasonings and cosmetics.

The Power of Siberia is in every stem, in every leaf, in every bud that opens up to the generous sun of Pristine Lands.


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