Natural Chewing Gum
Natural Chewing Gum, Sugar free, Aspartame free
Resinous taste of the forest depths
If the coat of a coniferous tree is damaged, it releases a resinous substance for recovery – resin. This medicine is created by life itself – it is absolutely pure and completely natural chewing gum.
People who are close to the forest have noticed long ago that mighty pine trees and slender larches can heal themselves and others. Having noticed that the tree heals its wounds, one day a man tried fragrant pine resin, too – and soon found that his breath was fresh. And after a while, his health got better.
This result is due to biologically active substances of the pine resin that heals the oral cavity. In addition, these tiny resinous warriors reduce the number of aggressive particles in the body that cause premature aging and cell mutation, contributing to the development of many diseases.
Soon this discovery was adopted by travelers and visiting guests. Siberian taiga is big; there are a lot of paths in it. In the long journey or in the evening, by the fire, it is so cozy to chew fragrant pine resin, listening to the rumble of fire, the stories of fellow travelers, the rare cries of birds…
Siberian masters learned to work with pine resin, adding other natural ingredients. This not only enriches its taste, but also enhances the preventive and curative effect.
Those who pursue purity know the difference between the chewing gums of the West and the Pine Resin of the East, between artificial and real, between chemical and natural. Pine resin is useful and makes breath fresh not due to masking the bad smell with flavors, but thanks to the phytoncides that fight its cause – bacteria.
Today, the amazing discovery of ancient hunters and wanderers has come to the big world. The planet is large, the cities are noisy, the road is hard from morning to evening – and it is a pleasure to feel in the mouth the soothing resinous taste of the far-away forest depths, where big kind trees reach for the sky.
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