Health Benefits of Siberian Treasure Pine Nut Oil

From an ecological standpoint, pine nut oil is the purest of all existing vegetable oils. As for its flavor, nutritional value, micronutrient and vitamin composition, it surpasses the majority of healthy food products.

The health benefits of pine nut oil have long been utilized since the old days. In fact, doctors of the past used to call it “a cure for a hundred diseases”. The oil has a great flavor, is easily digested by the human body, and has the same caloric value as fats of animal origin. Thanks to this, one can find plenty of use for it even for a vegetarian diet.

The undeniable effect of pine nut oil for stroke prevention is attributed to its composition, which is a real natural treasure trove of biologically active substances highly beneficial to human health. It includes carbohydrates, proteins, phosphatides, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, E, D, essential oils, lecithin, amino acids, along with a great variety of different minerals.

Pine nut oil contains three times more vitamin F, which is a complex of unsaturated fatty acids, than fish oil (about 94.8%). Polyunsaturated acids take an active part in the development and construction of cells in our body, regulation of cholesterol and fat metabolism while contributing to the normalization of blood circulation, removal of radionuclides, toxins, and heavy metals from the body. Therefore, regular use of pine nut oil can be recommended to patients whose work activity is associated with harmful production, or those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas.

When it comes to the amount of vitamin E, pine nut oil is five times superior to olive oil. The “Vitamin of youth” helps normalize fat metabolism, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, as well as prevents the development of atherosclerosis and blood clots. Apart from this, it is able to protect the body from the effects of free radicals and slow down the cell aging process, thereby forestalling the progression of arthritis, cancer, and problems of similar nature.

Vitamins B1, B2, and B3, which are also found in pine nut oil, have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and can improve blood composition. Regular use of pine nut oil in patients’ diets helps to improve their psychological and emotional state: stabilizes mood, reduces the intensity of insomnia and headaches, as well as quickly restores productivity and vitality. All of the above is particularly important during the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a stroke.

Additionally, pine nut oil contains a multitude of micro- and macronutrients essential for the treatment and prevention of stroke: calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum, silicon, titanium, barium, vanadium, boron, aluminum, nickel, strontium, silver, lead, and tin.

The vitamins E and F contained in pine nut oil contribute to improving vascular elasticity while reducing blood viscosity and cholesterol levels. Magnesium, the content of which makes pine nut oil superior to most foods, has an antisclerotic effect and normalizes blood pressure. Daily consumption of pine nut oil is especially effective for the complex treatment and prevention of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis, varicose veins, angina pectoris, heart attacks, anemia and, of course, strokes. It has also gained popularity in traditional medicine as an effective remedy for duodenal and stomach ulcers, along with gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and gallstone disease.

A perfectly balanced combination of vitamins D, B, E, and F ensures that both external and internal use provides a beneficial effect on the patient’s health in the event of flaking and excessively dry skin, hair loss, or thinning nails.

More than that, the bactericidal and healing properties of pine nut oil are widely used to treat a variety of skin diseases: psoriasis, neurodermatitis, seborrhea, eczema, trophic ulcers, diathesis, frostbite, burns, bedsores, etc. Also, if the patient was prescribed sunbathing, pine oil can be used as a tanning agent.

Vitamins A, B, D, and E present in the composition of the oil make it an excellent choice for the treatment and prevention of joint rheumatism, polyarthritis, rickets, and gout.

Aside from its beneficial effect on stroke patients, pine nut oil can be successfully used to prevent and treat immunodeficiency, bladder and kidney diseases, and respiratory diseases. It is also helpful when dealing with diseases of the endocrine system: diabetes, hormonal malfunctions, iodine deficiency conditions, etc. Regular consumption of pine nut oil helps patients accelerate rehabilitation after a stroke while improving overall well-being and contributing to the preservation of youth and health for years to come.

Pine Nut and Quinoa Salad. Tasty Recipe

The combination of refreshing minty and nutty flavors is magically delicious! Quinoa perfectly complements this successful tandem, with the vegetables bringing the last nice touch to the dish.



  1. Boil the quinoa for 15 minutes after soaking it in cold water.
  2. Cut all the vegetables into equal-sized cubes.
  3. Mix quinoa and vegetables. Add finely chopped herbs.
  4. Add the pine nuts having pre-heated them in a dry frying pan for 3 to 4 minutes.
  5. Season with salt, pine nut oil, and lemon juice. Give it a good final stir.




Siberian Pine Nut Oil benefits for skin

Nowadays, the beauty and health of our skin are difficult to maintain. One may find a lot of useful tips in fashion magazines and colorful websites. People write, talk, and make recommendations on how to eat, moisturize, and cleanse the skin with a variety of cosmetic products. The abundance of information makes it difficult to select a suitable care product for oneself. Meanwhile, natural products have proven to be the best and most suitable for skin absorption.

Pine Nut Oil has been known for its benefits since ancient times. Not only is it capable of preserving youth, but also of revitalizing the entire body. Witch doctors used to treat wounds, bronchial diseases, rheumatism, and gout. It is also good for the nervous system and indispensable to those with atherosclerosis since it contains unsaturated fatty acids.

There are no equivalents of Siberian Pine Nut Oil in nature

When we speak about the content of amino acids, micronutrients, and beneficial cosmetic and healing properties, there are no equivalents of Siberian Pine Nut Oil in nature. It is a known fact in order to keep the skin in good condition, our body needs Vitamin E. And Siberian Pine Nut Oil is richer in vitamin E than, for example, olive or coconut oil. It is also rich in other vitamins required for healthy skin, such as vitamins A, B, and D, as well as equally important micro- and macronutrients such as iodine, phosphorus, and magnesium. The Siberian Pine Nut Oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, exhibits moisturizing, refreshing action, improves skin color, increases elasticity. It also stimulates exfoliation of dead epidermis cells. In the case of allergic skin reactions, the Pine Nut Oil reduces itchiness, swelling, and reddening.

For gentle care of skin

The product can be used for gentle care of baby skin, protecting it from UV rays. Among other things, pine nut oil can be added to creams, balms, and masks to enhance the rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.

Face Mask Recipes with Siberian Pine Nut Oil

Let us bring to your attention several Recipes facial masks with Siberian Treasure Pine Nut Oil:

Cream mask

Heat up fresh, high-fat cream (about two tablespoons) a little, add 7 drops of Pine Nut Oil. Apply the formula with a cotton pad. After the first layer dries out, apply the next one. The composition soothes the skin, eliminates flaking.

There is also a slightly altered version of this mask which is more suitable for intensive skin moisturizing:

  • Siberian Pine Nut Oil (about 15-20 drops);
  • Aloe Vera juice (about 15 ml);
  • Cream (10-15 g would be enough).

Herbal mask

This one is recommended for sensitive skin prone to irritation. All you need is mix crushed dry chamomile and nettle leaf (both a full tablespoon). After that, pour a small amount of boiling water just so the formula would get mushy. Then, wrap up the bowl with herbs in a towel and let it rest for one hour. Put 5 ml of pine nut oil into the warm herbs paste. Put the ready-made composition onto the gauze patch and apply it onto your face.

Oatmeal mask

This is a universal formula that is suitable for any skin type. You will need oatmeal flour (you can make it yourself from oatmeal flakes using a coffee grinder). Pour a small amount of water into two full spoons of flour until it makes a paste, then give it some time to soak up. If you have dry skin, better try pouring milk in. For toning oily skin it’s recommended to use green tea. Add 5 ml of Siberian Pine Nut Oil to the mixture and stir thoroughly before use.


The Unique Health Benefits of Siberian Pine Nut Oil

Siberian Pine Nut Oil is a unique natural product, moreover, there are no similar products in the World.
Siberian Pine Nut Oil produced by our company preserves all beneficial properties provided by Siberian nature.
The coherent combination of vitamins and essential fatty acids makes pine nut oil the unique beneficial product for your health.
The dishes cooked with pine nut oil possesses delicious taste and soft nut aroma.

For centuries pine nut oil has been known for its ability to cure numerous gastrointestinal diseases such as stomach ulcers, Helicobacter pylori infections, irritable colon,  proctocolitis and heartburn. Moreover, it also helps treating aerocolia and abdominal distension, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, high-blood pressure, boosts immunity, makes you more energetic and promotes weight loss.

High levels of vitamin E and carotenoids help reducing oxidative damage, while pinoletic acid, Pine Nut Oil specific triple-unsaturated fatty acid possesses anti-inflamatory and digestive properties. Moreover, Pine Nut Oil is rich in omega 3 and 6 acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and copper.

There are the kind of Pine Nut Oil is Pine Nut Oil with Pine Resin. Pine resin gives it special strength – this gummy substance helps the coniferous trees to heal their wounds and protect the wood from damage. Pine Nut Oil with Pine Resin not only heals wounds, it is also a strong ally in the fight against many serious diseases.

Gastritis Treatment

High volume of antioxidants in pine nut oil assists in reducing the oxidative damage of digestive tract cells. Moreover, it helps curing digestive tract inflammation, peptic ulcers and gastritis and fosters metabolic processes.

According to research results, Siberian Pine Nut Oil is an efficient remedy for curing digestive diseases like gastritis and heartburn. We recommend consuming one teaspoon of the oil twice or three times per day ½-1hour before meals. Usually it takes from one week to 10 days before one mentions improvements, however, in some cases the results are obvious after several days. The treatment can be stopped after the symptoms are gone, however, it is beneficial to continue consuming one teaspoon daily for digestive tract protection. In addition, you will benefit from making pine nut oil a part of your daily diet by cooking food using it.

Weight loss

For many years, pine nuts and oil have been used to increase energy levels and reduce appetite. Siberian people use pine nut oil for cooking due to its ability to make you feel full and do not require additional food during severe winters. Due to the presence of pinoletic acid, pine nut oil helps moderating appetite and thus losing weight. Pinoletic aid stimulates production of cholecystokinin, a special hormone reducing appetite.

Other benefits

Pine Nut Oil is rich in many beneficial nutrients like vitamins A, B, and E, essential amino acids and such microelements as iodine, magnesium, copper, potassium, protein, iron, and zinc. Many of these substances are well-known antioxidants. Studies suggest that pinoletic oil fosters production of prostacyclin thus helping to reduce blood pressure due to dilation of blood vessels.

Vitamin A contained in pine nut oil improves eyesight and fosters children’s growth. In addition, pine nut oil is valuable due to high contents of vitamins B and D, which normalize nervous function and improve blood composition.

Pine nut oil is 5 times richer than olive oil and 3 times – than coconut oil in terms of vitamin E contents. Vitamin E is essential for reproductive processes: genital system functioning, fetation, body growth and lactation.

Pine nut oil contains more vitamin F than fish il does. Vitamin F are essential fatty acids, responsible for cells growth and renewal, that are not produced by our body, but only consumed with food.

Therefore, pine nut oil is essential for people of any age, making children grow faster and allowing adults to save their youth and health. Due to essential fatty acids, pine nut oil efficiently excretes radionuclides, heavy metals and toxins.

Regular consumption of Siberian Pine Nut Oil:

  •       Normalizes nervous function and metabolism;
  •       Purifies body, excreting radionuclides, heavy metals and toxins;
  •       Improves blood composition and facilitates hemoglobin level increase;
  •       Prevents digestive diseases;
  •       Fosters immune system and improves eyesight;
  •       Prevents alopecia and fragility of hair and nails.


Estheticians use pine nut oil for curing almost all skin diseases (neurodermatitis, seborrhea, acne etc.), include them into masks preventing skin fading, as well as for softening cuticles, hands, feet and body skin. Siberian pie nut oil is perfectly absorbed by skin and can be used as the basis for Introduction of other biologically active substances. Protective properties of the oil make it suitable for sunbathing.

For curing skin diseases pine nut oil should be both consumed internally and applied externally. The minimum course for skin, hair and nails recovery is 10-15 treatments.

Skin condition improving compress. Massage warm pine nut oil into clean and dry skin by light circular movements. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse by warm water without soap and dry with a towel.

Pine nut oil bath

Several drops of pine nut oil can be added to a bath for curing psoriasis, neurodermatitis and other diseases causing skin itch. The water should be 1-2 degrees warmer than the body temperature, but not hot.

Wounds, burns and frostbites treatment

In order to disinfect and facilitate healing pine nut oil should permanently affect the damaged skin. Antiseptic gauze tissues sopped in pine nut oil are applied to the damaged skin and should be changed once a day.

Internally Siberian Pine Nut Oil should be consumed by 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before or during the meals for 20 days. The course should be repeated at least twice a year.

In order to regenerate skin, make it firm and elastic, as well as prevent skin diseases (fungus, eczema, etc.) pine nut oil should be applied as cream along with massage or sauna visits.

Pine nut oil can be used for cooking: you can add it into vegetable salads, cold and hot starters. You will not only add your dishes an amazing unique taste and flavor, but also ensure healthy and balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and microelements.

This is especially important nowadays, when many foods contain synthetic additives, preservatives, flavor substitutes and poor in nutrients essential for our health.

Side effects

Pine nut oil has no known side effects. However, people allergic to nuts may also be allergic to pine nuts. Therefore, we recommend consulting your physician prior to start consuming Pine Nut Oil.

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